About the circular economy of fluorocarbons
M・Z Co.Ltd.
Technology / Service Summary
・Implementation and provision of appropriate fluorocarbons recovery technology
・Highly energy-saving fluorocarbons reclamation equipment
・Construction of a digital platform using RefNEXT(GenbaNEXT)
We aim to create a circular economy for fluorocarbons by recovery and reclamation the fluorocarbons used in air conditioners and freezers and refrigerators, selling recycled fluorocarbons, and filling recycled fluorocarbons.
The fluorocarbons reclamation device owned by the MZ Group is a device called a simple distillation method. It has the ability to regenerate approximately 500 kg in two days. Regarding quality control, we conduct component analysis a total of four times from the time we receive fluorocarbons until we sell it, and only fluorocarbons that meet our strict internal standards are sold as recycled fluorocarbons.
・Contributing to reducing GHG emissions through proper recovery of fluorocarbons
・Contribute to reducing GHG emissions during processing by reclamation fluorocarbons
・Providing added value by building a digital platform
Controlled Substance
Applicable Regions / Countries
- Japan
- ASEAN countries
Viet Nam
Started business as a leading company in the fluorocarbons recovery and reclamation business in Vietnam.
This Japanese technology and system, we will contribute to global warming countermeasures.
Locations for inspection
Kankyosoken Co. Ltd.
(Ageo City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan)
Related SDGs Goals
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 13. Climate Action