Japan Platform for Redesign: Sustainable Infrastructure (JPRSI)

Environmental Solutions (Other)

Other Environmental Solutions

JITMAP (Japan–India Technology Matching Platform)

JITMAP is a multi-stakeholder platform initiated to promote the engagement and matching of Japanese and Indian stakeholders, public and private, to facilitate mutually beneficial transactions in low carbon technologies, which include energy efficient technologies, best operating practices, and renewable energy technologies.

Japanese Waste Management and Recycling Industry

The project of "Incubation and Overseas Promotion of Waste Management and Recycling Industry" aims on contributing to the reduction in the environmental load on a global scale. In this project, the Ministry of the Environment provides the support for the overseas expansion of Japanese Waste Management and Recycling Industry.

Information Sheets on Specific Technologies are here.

Mercury-related Technologies in Japan

Flyers: Mercury Technology bulletin Series

(Minamata Convention on Mercury [MOE] (env.go.jp))

3ipet (International Platform for Environmental Technology)

3iPET is an international, intelligent, integrated and professional service platform for environmental technology. Based on the FECO's advantages in environmental technologies accumulated during the international cooperation on environmental protection, 3iPET focuses on key areas including air, water and soil pollution prevention control, energy saving and emission reduction, clean production, and implementation of environmental conventions. The platform adopts a model of "Internet + environmental technologies" and "online + offline", in order to serve as a comprehensive service platform.

+JASE-W (Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide)

JASE-W was established in October 2008 with strong support from the business community and the government, and since then we have come together with the public and private sectors and have been actively engaged in various activities such as dispatching missions overseas and disseminating information, hosting business forums, participating in international exhibitions related to energy and the environment and conducting survey analysis to promote international cooperation through the various excellent energy-saving, renewable energy and decarbonization technologies and products developed by Japanese companies.

Japanese Smart Energy Products & Technologies 2021 are here.

Sustainable Technology Promotion Platform (STePP)

JUNIDO ITPO Tokyo’s Sustainable Technology Promotion Platform (STePP) is designed to share information on Japanese technologies that contribute to sustainable industrialization, in order to promote the transfer of such technologies to developing and emerging countries.