Circular In-finity
Technology / Service Summary
Japanese Law into Chibi(small or deform) Characters.
UNSUNG CHIBI-LAW means Laws commitment like "UNSUNG HERO"
May everyone, especially the vulnerable, catch up with VUCA.
It compares similar laws across countries including Japan so that we can find ourselves sustanable friends.
Foreigners can get familiaar with Japanese law and the differences from others.
Chibi(small or deform) character, generated by AI, can get attention and guide the entrance of system of Japanese laws,
More people including Japanese can access and adjust Japanese law so that Japan can be developped sustanablly with appropritate governance and the public awareness.
Controlled Substance
Applicable Regions / Countries
- Japan
- Southeast Asia
- Central/South Asia
- China/ East Asia
- Middle East
- Africa
- Oceania
- Europe
- Central/South America
- ASEAN countries
Indonesia,Cambodia,Singapore,Thailand,Philippines,Brunei Darussalam,Viet Nam,Malaysia,Myanmar,Lao PDR
Reference URL
Related SDGs Goals
- 4. Quality Education
- 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal