Japan Platform for Redesign: Sustainable Infrastructure (JPRSI)

JPRSI Online Pavilion

Waste to Energy (WtE) Plant

Technology / Service Summary

TAKUMA’s proprietary incinerators, boilers and advanced combustion technologies enable to combust diverse waste and biomass fuels stably and realize high-efficiency power generation.


With economic development and population growth especially in ASEAN countries, there is a need to escape early from landfill-based waste disposal and introduce sanitary waste treatment facilities in the countries. In addition, the Waste to Energy business, which utilizes waste as a renewable energy source, is highly expected as one of the decarbonization businesses


Waste type varies greatly depending on each country, region, season and so on. To realize long-term stable incineration treatment, it is necessary to design a plant following waste types and characteristics in each region and also advanced combustion control technology based on waste treatment know-how experiences for long term is required.
TAKUMA has been involved in waste treatment for approximately 60 years in Japan and overseas and we have delivered approximately 370 waste incineration plants.
Utilizing this know-how, we can design an optimum incinerator and boiler to match the characteristics of waste in each country and region, and also provide facilities that can operate stably for decades with highly efficient heat recovery and power generation system.


TAKUMAa's advanced (safe, stable, and highly efficient) technology, based on the knowledge and know-how accumulated over more than 60 years of experience in waste treatment, will contribute to environmental development in Vietnam and to increased profits for investors.

Controlled Substance


Applicable Regions / Countries

  • Japan
  • Southeast Asia
  • Central/South Asia
  • ASEAN countries

    Indonesia,Cambodia,Singapore,Thailand,Philippines,Brunei Darussalam,Viet Nam,Malaysia,Myanmar,Lao PDR


Japan: Approximately 360 plants and this number means that we are the top of market share for this field.
Overseas: 9 plants (USA, UK, China, and Taiwan)

Related SDGs Goals

  • 3. Good Health and Well-being
  • 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
  • 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 13. Climate Action
  • 17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal


Waste to Energy plant stably burns waste and realizes the sanitary treatment of waste and power generation through the utilization of waste heat. TAKUMA’s proprietary incinerators, boilers and advanced combustion technologies enable to combust diverse waste and biomass fuels stably and realize high-efficiency power generation.

Waste to Energy (WtE) Plant

Youtube Videos

[Company Introduction] TAKUMA | Waste treatment plants | Energy Plants