Japan Platform for Redesign: Sustainable Infrastructure (JPRSI)

JPRSI Online Pavilion

BSC (Biological Soil Crust)Method

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Nature-based Solutions (NbS)

One of the vegetation recovery methods in Japan to prevent slope erosion and facilitate the vegetation intrusion by seeds flying from the surrounding areas

Consultant Services on  Water Environment and Cimate Action

Consultant Services on Water Environment and Cimate Action

Water & Soil Water Quality Improvement / Water Management Technology Water Supply / Sewerage

Global Warming Energy Saving Technology / Energy Effective Utilization Technology Other Energy-saving Technology

Waste Treatment & Recycling Waste Treatment / Management Waste Monitoring /Management

Provide consultant sevices (survey, planning, design, construction supervision, and operation & maintenance) related to water environment, air, forest, carbon credit, climate change, waste management, disaster management.